Secondary Geography Teacher, Homeroom Teacher
Patrick Lyons
Patrick Regan Lyons(帕特里克·雷根·莱昂斯),中学地理教师兼班主任。来自美国,乔治·梅森大学(George Mason University)地理学学士,辅修商业,持弗吉尼亚州教师资格证。在加入THISDL之前,他是美国公立学校的一名英语教师,专门从事英语教学。他喜欢培养学生不断学习的愿望,并鼓励他们在学术和个人方面的成长。
Patrick Regan Lyons,Secondary Geography Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. He is originally from the Washington DC area of the United States. He holds a BA in Geography with a minor in Business from George Mason University and is a licensed educator in the state of Virginia with endorsements in English as a second language and social studies. Prior to joining THISDL he was a EFL teacher in Thailand and the United States with Fairfax County Public Schools specializing in English as a second language while teaching both middle school age and adult students. He enjoys fostering a desire to constantly learn in his students and encouraging their growth both academically and personally.