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陈玉蓉 Linn Chen

2023-08-16 13:04


Secondary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

陈玉蓉 Linn Chen

陈玉蓉(Linn Chen), 中学语文教师兼班主任。 毕业于四川师范大学汉语言文学专业。从教25年,带过多届中考和高考毕业班。参加国家级课堂教学比赛曾获一、二等奖;指导学生参加作文比赛多次获得省级和国家级一、二等奖,本人获得过“语文报杯”作文比赛指导教师特等奖;指导师生参加朗诵、演讲比赛获得市级一、二等奖。发表文章散见于《中国教师报》《语言文字报》《语文世界》等报刊上。个人抖音和视频号助力许多家庭的孩子圆梦理想大学。


Linn Chen, Secondary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. She graduated from Sichuan Normal University with a major in Chinese Language and Literature. With 25 years’ teaching career, Linn has taught various classes for the Zhongkao and Gaokao exams. She has instructed in national-level competitions, achieved both first and second prizes. Linn has also guided her students to participate in essay competitions, where they achieved remarkable grades, like first and second prizes at the provincial and national levels. Linn has received the prestigious “Teacher Special Prize" from the Chinese Language Newspaper Cup. She has further coached students in speech competitions, leading them to obtain first and second prizes at the city level. Linn's expertise and insights have been published in renowned newspapers and magazines, including "Chinese Teacher's Newspaper," "Language and Writing Newspaper," and "Chinese Language World." Moreover, Linn's personal video accounts have played a significant role in helping numerous aspiring students from different backgrounds pursue their dreams of attending prestigious universities. Linn's educational philosophy is that the greatest joy for a teacher lies in growing together with their students and guiding them towards their desired destinations.
