关 闭

张晨光 Michael Zhang

2022-03-21 10:45



Secondary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, Head of Year

张晨光 Michael Zhang

张晨光,中学语文教师、班主任兼年级组长, 山东大学文史哲基地和教育学双学士,清华大学新闻传播学硕士,中国传媒大学博士候选人,台湾政治大学访问学者。曾在海外担任汉语教师,在国内担任大语文教师,并在主流媒体和金融行业工作多年。倡导学生浸濡经典、行万里路。热爱教育、电影和纪录片。

Michael Zhang, Secondary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, Head of Year,got Bachelor Degrees of Chinese Humanities and Pedagogy from Shandong University, Master Degree of Journalism and Communication from Tsinghua University. Heis a PhD Candidate in Communication at CUC and also a visiting scholar at NCCU. He has taught Chinese in China and abroad and has many years working experiencein mainstream media and finance. Michael Zhang loves working in education and studying Film and Documentary.
