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Raja Marwah

2022-07-06 15:17



Secondary School Vice Principal, Secondary ICT Teacher

Raja Marwah

Raja Marwah,中学部副校长兼中学信息技术教师,来自印度,本科毕业于印度Apeejay大学信息技术专业,2个硕士分别毕业于英国York大学的软件工程专业和澳大利亚Deakin大学应用学习和教学专业。他曾在英国学习和工作,后又在中国工作担任7年教师工作。他是一名在计算机科学、跨学科基于项目的学习和专业、综合教学方面拥有丰富的经验、知识和技巧,且自我驱动性极高的教育者。

Raja Marwah, Secondary School Vice Principal, Secondary ICT Teacher, from India. He did his Bachelors in Information Technology, then Master in Software Engineering and continued to extend his learning by recently finishing Master in Applied Learning and Teaching secondary focusing on Computer Science and Math. He studied and worked inUKand served as a teacher for 7 years in China. He does consider himself a highly motivated professional educator with extensive experience, knowledge and skills in Computer Science, Cross-curriculum Project-Based Learning and specializing in Technology, integrated teaching and learning. He has curated and administered a school-wide project-based learning program, which he firmly has a passion for and has been his area of interest throughout his educational career.
