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Diederik Friso Lugt

2023-07-27 10:06



Secondary Science Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

Diederik Friso Lugt

Diederik Friso Lugt(迪德里克·弗里索·拉格特)中学科学教师兼班主任,来自荷兰。持荷兰乌得勒支大学(University of Utrecht)生物学硕士和教育学硕士学位。2012年起开始在世界各地任教,其中有中国、日本、印度尼西亚和意大利,迫不及待地想回到中国。他相信,读万卷书不如行万里路,他曾带学生走入泰国清迈的丛林,参加古典音乐会和艺术展览,在实践中习得知识。

Diederik Friso Lugt, Secondary Science Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. He was born in the Netherlands and grew up in Ethiopia and Egypt as an international school student. He got his masters in biology and in education at the university of Utrecht. He has been teaching abroad since 2012 and worked in China, Japan, Indonesia and Italy, and can't wait to be back in China. He strongly believes in education outside of the classroom. These experiences help the students to become more rounded individuals. He has taken students on many trips like the jungle in Chiang Mai, Thailand, classical concerts, art exhibitions and on ecological data collection trips for their biology courses.
