Head of Primary ESL Tutors
刘莉 Sydney Liu
刘莉, 小学ESL辅导负责人,华东师范大学文学学士,哥伦比亚大学国际教育发展专业硕士;拥有教师资格证书及10年以上的一线英语教学和师训工作经验。注重学生能力与自信心的培养,善于发掘学生的自驱力,从而协助他们实现自己的学习目标。
Sydney Liu, Head of Primary ESL Tutors, got Bachelor degree in East China Normal University and Master of Arts in International Educational Development from Columbia University. She has teacher's qualification certificate issued by the Ministry of Education of China. With more than 10 years’ English teaching experience, she is able to empower and build self-confidence for students. Her goal is to understand the learners’ goals and help to achieve them.