中学英语教师兼班主任 年级组长
Secondary English & Homeroom Teacher, G7 Head of Year
James Ashley Heginbotham(詹姆斯·阿什利·赫金波坦),来自英国,中学英语教师兼班主任、G7年级组长。先后获得英国曼彻斯特城市大学(Manchester Metropolitan University)英语历史学士学位(荣誉)和格洛斯特郡大学(University of Gloucestershire)硕士学位。过去十年,他一直是一名国际语言教师,曾在秘鲁、泰国和中国任教。他致力于确保学生达到语言目标,并鼓励他们在此过程中自由表达个性。他擅长讲故事,尤其是魔幻现实主义的故事。James是一名狂热的体育爱好者,也是曼联的终身支持者。
James Ashley Heginbotham, Secondary English & Homeroom Teacher, G7 Head of Year, comes from the UK. He earned his BA (Hons) in English with History from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and holds an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Gloucestershire, UK. He has been an International Language Teacher for the past 10 years, teaching in Peru, Thailand and China. He is dedicated to ensuring students reach their language goals and encourages students to express their personalities along the way. He has a keen interest in storytelling, in particular magical realism. James is an avid sports fan, and a lifelong Manchester United supporter.