关 闭

周萍 Jenny Zhou

2023-07-27 13:58


Head of Lower Secondary English Department

周萍(Jenny Zhou)

周萍(Jenny Zhou),初中英语学科组长,1991年7月毕业于北京工业大学,获得工科学士学位;1996年2月应聘进入清华附中任教,多年担任英语学科备课组长和班主任工作,均受到学生家长和学校的好评。1997年到清华附中上地学校执教,任英语教研组长。凭借多年的教学经验和学科钻研精神,带领本组青年教师积极探索教育教学方法,身先士卒,教师队伍日臻成熟,为上地学校跻身海淀区初中先进学校做出了突出贡献。从踏入清华附中至今共履职13年班主任岗位,18次顺利完成初三毕业班教学工作,有着多年毕业班教学经验,学生毕业成绩优异。在1997年被评为校先进工作者;在2003年被评为海淀区优秀青年教师。教育教学论文在区校级评比中多次获得一等奖。所教的学生也多次获得全国,北京市等各级奖项,硕果累累。在教学之余,与其他教师一起编写了多本教辅用书,在社会上反映较好。2000年—2001年获得海淀区青年教师课堂教学比赛一等奖。

Jenny Zhou,Head of Lower Secondary English Department. She graduated from Beijing University of Technology in July 1991 with a bachelor's degree in engineering. She applied to teach at Tsinghua University High School in February 1996 and served as the English subject preparation team leader and class teacher for many years, also received high praise from students and parents. In 1997, she was in charge of English teaching and research atShangdiSchool of Tsinghua University High School. With years of teaching experience and spirit of discipline research, she led group of young teachers to actively explore educational and teaching methods, led the team to become increasingly mature and made outstanding contributions toShangdiSchool and became an advanced junior high school inHaidianDistrict. Since entering Tsinghua University High School, she has successfully completed the teaching of graduation class 18 times. With many years of experience in teaching graduation classes, she helped students gain excellent graduation grades. In 1997, she was rated as theeminentteacher; In 2003, she was awarded the title ofOutstanding Young Teacher inHaidianDistrict. She also won the first prizes in district and school many times. Her students alsowon numerous awards at various levels, including national and Beijing awards. In addition to teaching, she worked with other teachers to write teaching reference books, which were widely received in society. From 2000 to 2001, she won the first prize of Youth Teacher Classroom Teaching Competition in Haidian District.
