徐宫冬子 Zoey Xu
Secondary ESL Teacher, Homeroom Teacher
徐宫冬子(Zoey Xu),中学ESL教师兼班主任,北京语言大学英语语言文学学士,中国人民大学英语语言文学硕士,拥有英语专业八级证书和高中英语学科教资。曾于全国著名教育机构任职一线英语教师,线上、线下指导学员数千人计,并在全国教学技能大赛中获得优异成绩。于她而言,教育是其终生热忱所在。她在教学中尤其重视激发学生的好奇心,提升文化意识,以清晰易懂的方式教授学生高效的语言学习方法。
Zoey Xu, Secondary ESL Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, obtained her Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from Beijing Language and Cultural University and her Master’s degree in English Language and Literature from Renmin University of China. With a TEM8 and a teacher's qualification certificate for high school students, she has a deep understanding of the English language and pedagogy. She also worked in distinguished educational institutions where she helped thousands of high school students with their English through online and offline courses. She has rich teaching experience and has ranked top in nationwide teaching competitions. Education for her is a lifelong passion. She pays special attention to kindling students’ curiosity, raising their cultural awareness, and sharing effective language-learning methods through ways that are easy to understand.