Principal of the National Program Division
丛山 Cong Shan
丛山,素质学部校长,硕士就读于北京师范大学 课程与教学论专业。他拥有高级中学教师资格证书、中学高级教师证书、校长任职资格证书,曾获得沈阳市骨干校长、沈阳市名师等称号。从事普通高中数学教学、教研及学校管理工作26年,从事义务教育学校管理工作12年,创办2所九年一贯制学校。热爱教育,热爱学生,教育教学和学校管理经验丰富,秉持“爱每一位学生,为学生发展打好基础”的育人理念,促进学生全面发展。
Congshan, principal of the
National Program Division. Got master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Beijing Normal University. He holds a high school teacher qualification certificate, a senior high school teacher certificate, and a principal qualification certificate. He has been awarded titles such as the outstanding principal of Shenyang City and the renowned teacher of Shenyang City. He has been involved in teaching mathematics, teaching research, and school management in regular high schools for 26 years, as well as school management in compulsory education schools for 12 years. He has also established two 9-year consistent education schools. With a passion for education and students, he has rich experience in education, teaching, and school management. He adheres to the educational philosophy of “loving every student and laying a solid foundation for their development,” and promotes the comprehensive development of students.