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李夏婧 Xiajing Li

2022-09-14 14:59



Teaching Assistant, ESL Teacher

李夏婧 Xiajing Li

李夏婧,助教兼ESL教师,本科毕业于加拿大渥太华大学并获得加拿大渥太华大学授予的社会科学学士学位,硕士毕业于香港教育大学,并在香港教育大学获得教学硕士。拥有小学英语教师资格证书并拥有TESOL少儿国际证书。从事英语教学工作四余年,教学经验丰富,教学模式多样化,擅长为学生制定针对性教学计划, 在教学中致力于激发学生的学习兴趣并培养学生的自主性。

Li Xiajing, a co-teaching and ESL teacher, has a bachelor degree in Social Science from the University of Ottawa, and a Master of Teaching in Early Childhood and Family Education from the Education University of Hong Kong. She has been awarded a primary school English teacher qualification certificate and TESOL for Children Certification. She has been teaching English for more than four years. She also strives to develop diverse teaching methods and formulate teaching plans for students. She believes that the goal of a good education is to motivate students and stimulate students learning autonomy.
