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夏晓津 Grace Xia

2022-07-28 14:56



Head of Secondary Math Department, Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, Head of Year

夏晓津 Grace Xia

夏晓津,中学数学学科组长、中学数学教师、班主任兼年级组长,南开大学计算机科学学士,美国凯西西部保留地大学(Case Western Reserve University)运筹学硕士,莱斯利大学(Lesley University)中学数学教育硕士。曾在美国学习、工作12年,其间曾在美国麻省教授高中数学3年。回国后,在清华附中国际部从事高中数学教学(AP课程体系)6年,其间任数学组组长5年;在苏州任高中数学教师6年(A-level课程体系)。在教学中,注重激发学生对数学的兴趣和热情,从而加深学生对数学的理解。任课班级学生在历届考试和各类竞赛中均取得突出成绩,受到学生和家长的广泛认可。爱好古典音乐和阅读,并从中感悟音乐与数学的相通之处。

Grace Xia, Head of Secondary Math Department, Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, Head of Year, graduated from Nankai University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. She studied and worked in the US for more than 12 years. Grace obtained a Master of Science in Operations Research from Case Western Reserve University; she also holds a Master of Education in secondary math teaching from Lesley University. She taught the AP math curriculum in Tsinghua International School for 6 years and was also the Head of Math Department for 5 years; she also taught the A-level math curriculum in Dulwich International High School Suzhou for 6 years. She inspires passion for Maths in her students and emphasizes conceptual understanding in her teaching. Her students have achieved excellent results in AP and A-level exams and various math competitions. Grace taught high school maths for 3 years in the US before she came back to China. In her spare time, she enjoys classical music and reading.
