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Andrea Maritza Gonzalez Ramirez

2022-07-08 10:08



Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

Andrea Maritza Gonzalez Ramirez

Andrea Maritza Gonzalez Ramirez,中学数学教师兼班主任,来自哥伦比亚。本科毕业于哥伦比亚Distrital大学电子工程专业,现在正在考取美国委员会颁发的数学教师资格证书。她有5年的教学经验,其中两年在中国。在多年数学教学经验中,她一直关注学生的数学学习方法,并致力于塑造未来的领导者。

Andrea Maritza Gonzalez Ramirez,Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, from Colombia. She got a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Distrital University of Colombia, she is now preparing for her Math teaching certification from the American Board. She has 5 years of experience teaching; two of them in China. In her 4 years of Math teaching experience, she always paid attention to students' Mathematical learning methods and contributed to shaping up tomorrow’s leaders.
