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宋兆辰 Zhaochen Song

2022-07-28 14:42



Secondary Mathematics Teacher,Homeroom teacher, Head of Year

宋兆辰 Zhaochen Song

宋兆辰,中学数学教师、班主任兼年级组长,本硕博均毕业于美国德州州立大学,分别获得计算机科学及应用数学双专业学士、 应用数学硕士、数学教育博士,拥有高中数学教师资格证书。宋老师曾任德州州立大学博士生助教、助讲及讲师,有9年的海外大学一线教学经验。其教学风格严谨,注重对数学概念的应用、对学生数学思维的培养以及对学生学习动力的促进。在课外,宋老师喜欢练习书法、古典音乐以及打羽毛球和乒乓球。

Zhaochen Song,Secondary Mathematics Teacher,Homeroom teacher, Head of Year, got his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics Education, master’s degree in Applied Mathematics, and bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Texas State University, U.S. He has teacher’s qualification certificate in high school mathematics. Zhaochen has nine years of TA experience in the U.S. university with a rigorous teaching style that emphasizes on practical applications of mathematical ideas, fosters mathematical thinking, and promotes students’ motivation. Outside of class, Zhaochen likes to practice calligraphy, listen to classical music, and play badminton and Pingpong.
