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杨宗英 Emily Yang

2023-07-27 14:08



Primary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

杨宗英(Emily Yang)

杨宗英(Emily Yang),小学语文教师兼班主任。北京语言大学教育学硕士,持有小学语文教师资格证、高中语文教师资格证、国际汉语教师资格证和国际中文传播教师证书。拥有5年一线教学经验,《JUZI汉语》词典App、《新时代中文学习词典》编者。坚信爱是打开学生心灵的钥匙,尊重学生个性发展,用心引领学生成长。

Emily Yang, Primary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. She graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University with major of education. She holds Primary School Teacher’s Qualification, and High School Teacher’s Qualification, Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages Teacher’s Qualification and Chinese for Cross-Cultural Communication Certificate. She has 5 years of front-line teaching experience, is one of the editors of JUZI Chinese Dictionary App and New Era Chinese Learning Dictionary. She believes that love is the key to open students' hearts and minds, respects students' individual development and leads students' growth with her heart in teaching and daily life.
