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米真子 Sophie Mi

2023-07-27 14:18


Secondary Chemistry Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

米真子(Sophie Mi)

米真子(Sophie Mi),中学化学教师兼班主任。天津大学学士学位,纽约大学化学硕士学位,持有中、美两国的教师资格证书。曾在多所国际学校任职,拥有10年科学和化学教学经历。她热衷于激发学生对学科的好奇心,并让学生欣赏科学对日常生活的影响。在她的课堂中,她总是致力于为学生创造一个丰富和安全的学习环境。

Sophie Mi, Secondary Chemistry Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. Sophie Mi has got a Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical science from Tianjin University and a Master's degree in Chemistry from New York University. She holds a teacher’s qualification certificate in China and the US and has taught science and chemistry in many international schools for 10 years. Sophie is passionate about inspiring her students to develop a curiosity for the subject and to understand the ways in which chemistry impacts our everyday lives. With her experience and training, she is equipped with the skills and knowledge to create an engaging and stimulating learning environment for her students.
