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苏子玉(Eva Su)

2023-07-27 19:38

苏子玉(Eva Su)


Boarding Counselor

苏子玉(Eva Su),寄宿部成长导师,本科毕业于平顶山学院,持有高级中学教师资格证,拥有5年丰富的校园学生活动策划与实践经验。她热爱教育事业,希望用爱心、耐心、责任心陪伴学生健康快乐成长。

Eva Su, Boarding Counselor, graduated from Pingdingshan University. She holds a senior high school teaching qualification certificate, and has 5 years of rich experiences in campus activities planning and student's practice.Asa passionate educator, she hopes to assist students grow up with love, patience and a sense of responsibility.
