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Massimo Giuseppe Bianchi

2023-07-27 11:10



Head of Piano Department of Orchestral Academy, and Piano Teacher

Massimo Giuseppe Bianchi

Massimo Giuseppe Bianchi,来自意大利,乐队学院钢琴教研室主任兼钢琴教师,清香交响乐团成员。先后于意大利布雷西亚音乐学院(Brescia Conservatory of Music)获得学士学位和意大利菲耶索莱音乐学校(Fiesole Conservatory of Music)获取硕士学位。后参加意大利Gyorgy Ligeti 大师班并荣获意大利Scuola Superiore Internazionale del Trio di Trieste钢琴独奏家文凭。1986年开始参加音乐会独奏演出,曾任艺术总监、钢琴教师等。

Massimo Giuseppe Bianchi,Head of Piano Department of Orchestral Academy, and Piano Teacher, member of THISDL orchestra. He is from Italy. He obtained a bachelor's degree from the Brescia Conservatory of Music in Italy and a master's degree from the Fiesole Conservatory of Music in Italy. Afterwards, he participated in the Gyorgy Ligeti Master Class in Italy and won the Scuola Superiore Internazionale del Trio di Trieste Piano Soloist Diploma from Italy. Since 1986, he has participated in solo concerts and has served as an art director and piano teacher.

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