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李培翔 Vincent Li

2023-07-27 18:57


Trumpet Teacher

李培翔 Vincent Li

李培翔(Vincent Li),小号教师。在美国堪萨斯大学获得学士学位,美国旧金山音乐学院获得硕士学位,加拿大麦吉尔大学获得博士学位。作为演奏家,曾与旧金山交响乐团、悉尼交响乐团、伯克利交响乐团、旧金山湾铜管乐团、中国交响乐团、东方交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团和中央歌剧院等国内外著名乐团合作演出。作为教师,曾在加拿大麦吉尔大学担任小号专业助教,并曾任教于KIPP高中旧金山分校和Myriad音乐舞蹈学院。多年的演奏和教学经验让他知晓“基础”是成功的关键,视唱练耳、乐理、小号的基本功训练、号嘴练习等是小号学习中最重要的奠基石。

Vincent Li,Trumpet Teacher.Vincent holds a Bachelor's Degree in trumpet performance from the University of Kansas, a Master's Degree in trumpet performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and a Doctor's Degree in trumpet performance from McGill University. As a performer, he has performed with many outstanding orchestras worldwide, such as the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, San Francisco Bay Brass, China National Symphony Orchestra, Oriental Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Central Opera Orchestra, Etc. As an educator, he was the trumpet teaching assistant at McGill University. Also he taught trumpet at the San Francisco KIPP high school and the Myriad Music and Dance Academy. From the experience of both performing and teaching, Vincent strongly believes that ‘fundamental’ is the key to success; Ear training, music theory, fundamental exercises of trumpet playing, mouthpiece practicing, Etc., are the most essential fundamentals in trumpet learning.

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