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张玥馨 Gloria Zhang

2023-02-20 11:23



Teaching Assistant, ESL Teacher

张玥馨 Gloria Zhang

张玥馨,助教兼ESL教师,先后毕业于河南师范大学英语教育专业和对外经济贸易大学口译专业。持有剑桥大学CELTA证书、CATTI二级笔译资格证书、英语专业八级证书、高中英语教师资格证书。曾实习于两家 NGO,为多国驻华使团、国际组织提供会议翻译。拥有9年国际教育经验,陪伴无数少年实现全球顶尖院校的教育梦想。“等一朵花开,需要很多耐心和微笑。”希望用爱与尊重点燃、呵护孩子们的人生梦想,为孩子们的一生做好准备。

Gloria Zhang, Teaching Assistant, ESL Teacher. She obtained her BA from Henan Normal University and an MTI (Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting) from the University of International Business and Economics. She is Cambridge CELTA and CATTI Level-2 certified with TEM-8 and high school teaching qualifications. She did a yearlong internship at two NGOs, translating and interpreting for officials from embassies and representatives from international organizations. Prior to teaching at THISDL, Gloria worked as a consultant for Chinese students applying for schools and colleges in the US and Switzerland for 9 years. Gloria believes in the power of trust and compassion in education while seeing students as individuals. She inspires her students to never stop believing in their dreams and to never stop creating and preparing for their lifelong success and happiness.
