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徐睿一​ Rose Xu

2024-03-07 17:05



Teaching Assistant, ESL Teacher

徐睿一 Rose Xu

徐睿一 Rose,美国自由大学基础教育跨学科研究专业学士;拥有国际TESOL教师资格证书,谷歌Level1认证教师。作为一名新教师,她热衷于培养孩子们对学习的热爱,并帮助他们充分发挥潜力。

Ruiyi (Rose) Xu got her Bachelor Degree of Elementary Education Interdisciplinary Studies in Liberty University; She has a valid TESOL teaching certificate, and also is a Google Level 1 Certified Educator. As a new teacher, she firmly believe that each student possesses unique potential and learning styles, which is why she is committed to employing personalized teaching methods to cater to diverse needs.
