Head of Strings Department of Orchestral Academy, Violin Teacher
Boris Borgolotto
Boris Borgolotto(鲍里斯·博戈洛托),来自法国,乐队学院弦乐教研室主任兼小提琴教师。先后就读于巴黎音乐学院(CNSMDP)、奥地利维也纳艺术大学(Vienna University)、Schola Cantorum音乐会和法国伊丽莎白女王音乐教堂,获小提琴和室内乐艺术家文凭。曾获美国国际音乐比赛一等奖、意大利齐内蒂国际室内乐比赛一等奖、法国职业音乐大奖、英国伦敦国际音乐比赛一等奖等,扎迪格三重奏的创始成员;曾在上海城市剧院、卡内基音乐厅、紫禁城音乐厅、天津大剧院音乐厅、阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅演出;曾任教台湾台北艺术大学小提琴大师班、台湾台南艺术大学小提琴与室内乐大师班、麦吉尔大学舒利奇学院2020室内乐大师班等。
Boris Borgolotto,Head of Strings Department of Orchestral Academy, Violin Teacher, Music Teacher and Homeroom Teacher. He studied at Paris Conservatory of Music (CNSMDP), Vienna University of Arts, Austria, and the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, Artist Diploma of Violin and Chamber Music. Hmmoe has won First Prize of the American Fine Arts International Music Competition, USA;First prize and Jascha Heifetz Special Mention of the IBLA foundation, Italy, Pro Musicis Grand Prize, France, and First Prize of the International Music Competition of London, United Kingdom. Founding member of the Trio Zadig. He has performed at the Shanghai City Theatre, Philharmonie de Paris, the Carnegie Hall, the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing,the Tianjin Grand Theater Concert Hall,the Royal Concertgebouw of Amsterdam. He has taught Violin Masterclass, Taipei University of Arts, Taiwan, Masterclass of Violin and Chamber Music, Tainan University of Arts, Taiwan, Chamber Music Masterclass, Musical Chairs Chamber Music Festival, McGill University Schulich School.