关 闭

Kenshi Miyatani

2023-07-27 11:13


Head of Brass Department of Orchestral Academy, Horn Teacher

Kenshi Miyatani

Kenshi Miyatani(宫谷建志),来自日本东京,乐队学院铜管教研室主任兼圆号教师。日本立教大学教育学士学位,在美国费城柯蒂斯音乐学院获得艺术家文凭。曾有八年的音乐指导经验。宫谷建志(Kenshi Miyatani)是一名圆号演奏家,他经常与日本的许多管弦乐队一起演出。他曾为威奇托交响乐团及纽约当代乐团成员。

Kenshi Miyatani,Head of Brass Department of Orchestral Academy, Horn Teacher, from Tokyo, Japan. He earned his Bachelor in Education from Rikkyo University in Tokyo and his Artist Diploma in Horn performance from Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. He has been an educator for the past 8 years with private studio. Mr. Miyatani is a horn player who regularly performs with many orchestra in Japan. He was the member of Wichita Symphony Orchestra and The Orchestra Now.
