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张稳 Bell Zhang

2023-07-27 14:15



Chemistry Teacher, Lab Assistant

张稳(Bell Zhang)

张稳(Bell Zhang),化学教师兼化学实验员。河北师范大学化学学士,持有高中化学教师资格证,多年一线初三化学教学及班主任的工作经历,经验丰富,授课风格轻松幽默,深受学生喜爱。“亲其师,信其道”与学生保持亲密的关系,让教育在日常的陪伴和滋润下悄然发生。

Bell Zhang,Chemistry Teacher, Lab Assistant. He obtained Bachelor Degree of Chemistry from Hebei Normal University, has high school chemistry teacher qualification certificate, and has many years of front-line teaching experience in chemistry teaching and homeroom management. His teaching style is relaxed and humorous, which is popular and loved by students. “Be close to your teacher and believe in your way” and keep a close relationship with students, make education happen quietly under the daily companionship and nourishment.
