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Claire Wrobel

2023-07-27 10:57


Teacher Librarian

Claire Wrobel

Claire Wrobel(克莱尔·弗罗贝尔),来自美国,图书馆教师。印第安纳卫斯理大学(Indiana Wesleyan University)英语和荣誉人文学科双学位,多米尼加大学(Dominican University)图书馆和信息科学硕士。她从11岁起就浸润于图书馆,从那时起她就决定要成为一名学校图书馆教师。她喜欢学习新的文化,寻找新的书籍,并与学生分享她学到的东西。热爱文化体验、阅读和旅游。

Claire Wrobel, Librarian, comes from Chicago in the United States. She earned her BA from Indiana Wesleyan University and graduated with a double major in English and Honors Humanities. She also holds a Masters of Library and Information Science with a school library specialization from Dominican University. She has been working in libraries since she was 11 years old and decided from that age that she wanted to be a school Teacher librarian. Although reading is probably her favorite pastime, she also loves traveling with her husband to all corners of the world. She loves learning about new cultures, finding new books, and sharing what she learns with her students.
