焦宇 Jiao Yu

2022-07-28 14:30



Primary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

焦宇 Henry Jiao

焦宇, 小学语文教师兼班主任。天津师范大学初等教育学院教育学学士,新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院国际汉语教育硕士,持小学语文教师资格证书、高中语文教师资格证书、国际汉语教师资格证书。他拥有超10年语文教学经验,曾在海内外学校就职。奉行以儿童为中心的教学理念,希望在传递知识、答疑解惑的同时,帮助每一个孩子成为一个人格健全,对社会有积极贡献的社会人。

Henry Jiao, Primary Chinese Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. He obtained Bachelor degree of Education from Tianjin Normal University and Master of Arts from Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education. He has a Primary School Teacher’s Qualification, Senior Middle School Teacher’s Qualification and Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. He has more than 10 years’ Chinese teaching experience in schools at home and abroad. As a teacher, he pursues a child-centered teaching method and hopes to impart knowledge and skills to his students, as well as prepare them to contribute positively to the community.


Tsinghua International School Daoxiang Lake, Haidian District, Beijing,China

No.1 ,Ningcui Road,Haidian District, Beijing, China



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