Julio Leonardo Sanchez Hernandez

2022-07-06 15:00



Head of Social Science Department, History Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

Julio Leonardo Sanchez Hernandez

Julio Leonardo Sanchez Hernandez,中学社会学科组长、历史教师兼班主任,来自委内瑞拉。安第斯大学历史学与西班牙语学士,美国西肯塔基大学硕士学位,持有美国教师资质。曾在美国肯塔基州执教8年,牙买加任教3年,自2017年起开始在北京工作。有着丰富的国际学校教学经验和跨文化背景,享受并热爱教学工作及学生赋予的教学体验。

Julio Leonardo Sanchez Hernandez,Head of Social Science Department, History Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. He completed his BA at the University of the Andes, majoring in History and Spanish and finished his MA at Western Kentucky University. He started his tenure as a teacher in the state of Kentucky for eight years and continued to the island of Jamaica at the American International School of Kingston for 3 years. He has been in Beijing since 2017. He is seasoned in international teaching in a cross-cultural context, and has devoted himself to his career.


Tsinghua International School Daoxiang Lake, Haidian District, Beijing,China

No.1 ,Ningcui Road,Haidian District, Beijing, China



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