温佳佳 Wendy Wen

2023-07-27 14:06



Primary Mathematics Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

温佳佳(Wendy Wen)

温佳佳(Wendy Wen),小学数学教师兼班主任。来自于清华附中一体化学校,毕业于四川大学,曾在法国蒙彼利埃高等商学院交换一年,持有教师资格证书。多年一线教学工作,为人耐心细致,认真负责,真诚热情、深受学生喜爱和家长的信任。

Wendy Wen, Primary Mathematics Teacher, Homeroom Teacher. She used to work at Tsinghua Education Group.She graduatedfrom Sichuan University. She spentone year as an exchange student at the HEC Montpellier School of Business in France and holds a high school teacher certificate. With many years of front-line teaching, she is patient, meticulous, serious and responsible, sincere and enthusiastic, and deeply loved by students and trusted by parents.


Tsinghua International School Daoxiang Lake, Haidian District, Beijing,China

No.1 ,Ningcui Road,Haidian District, Beijing, China



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