Ronan Thomas Hewitt

2023-08-24 19:57


Art Teacher, Homeroom Teacher

Ronan Thomas Hewitt

Ronan Thomas Hewitt,来自爱尔兰,艺术教师兼班主任。伍尔弗汉普顿大学(University of Wolverhampton)动画专业学士,持哥伦比亚地区教师资格证书和TEFL证书。他在爱尔兰创作了多项国际水准的卡通和媒体作品,涵盖各种传统和数字媒体类型。他鼓励学生提出问题、调查和探索不同的艺术形式和技术;热衷于分享参与性学习,培养学生与艺术的关系,同时为学生提供充分实现愿景所需的实用工具。

Ronan Thomas Hewitt,Art Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, from Ireland. He obtained his BA in animation from University of Wolverhampton. He studied art and animation there and worked on a variety of different internationally aired cartoons and media, across a wide range of both traditional and digital media types. From both his experience as an educator and animator, he brings authentic creative learning which encourages students to ask questions, investigate, and explore different art forms and techniques. His passion is sharing in engaging learning that nurtures students' own relationship with art, while giving them the practical tools needed to fully realize their visions.


Tsinghua International School Daoxiang Lake, Haidian District, Beijing,China

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