关 闭


Hui Li (Tina)

2023-07-27 11:41



Deputy Head of School

李惠Hui Li (Tina)

 李惠(Tina),副校长,来自澳大利亚,三个孩子的母亲,拥有金融学士学位。对儿童教育的好奇和热情促使她投身教育行业。在过去的 20 年里,她曾在北京多所顶级国际学校担任团队领导,曾任北京蒙特梭利国际学校的招生负责人。她主要负责政府关系以及面向国际家庭的学校推广工作。她热衷于营造一个积极、有吸引力的环境,让年轻学生及其家庭茁壮成长。她在与家长沟通、建立良好的家校关系、团队建设方面积累了丰富的经验。

Hui Li (Tina), Deputy Head of School, is an Australian mother of three with a BA in Finance. A curiosity and passion for children's education drove her to the education sector. She has spent the last 20 years leading teams across many of the top international schools in Beijing, most recently serving as the Head of Admissions at the Montessori International School of Beijing. She facilitates government relations and marketing the school towards international families. She is passionate about fostering a positive and engaging environment that enables young students and their families to thrive. She enjoys developing strong relationships with families and team-building.
