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乔拯克 Joe Qiao

2024-08-16 09:17



HR Director

乔拯克博士(Dr. Qiao)

 乔拯克(Joe Qiao),人力资源总监,博士在读,本硕均毕业于东北师范大学,后获取美国金融管理硕士,香港大学组织与人力资源管理研究生,先后结业北京大学国际学校运营管理和清华大学国际教育领导力项目。 于2013年受聘于清华附中,2015年派往由清华附中组建的北京凯文学校负责筹建及管理工作;于2017年派往由清华附中组建的清澜山学校负责筹建管理工作。国际职业顾问协会(IACA)高级职业生涯规划师、高级家庭教育指导师,新加坡注册教育顾问,Cognia认证师,清华附中优秀教师,曾获北京市海淀区基础教育课程建设一等奖、获得“最受学生喜欢的教师”称号、清华附中青年教师基本功大赛第一名、清华附中青年教师基本功大赛微视频特别奖。

Joe Qiao, HR Director, currently a Ph.D. candidate, completed both his undergraduate and master’s degrees at Northeast Normal University. He later obtained a Master’s in Financial Management from the United States and a postgraduate degree in Organizational and Human Resources Management from the University of Hong Kong. He also completed programs in International School Operations Management at Peking University and International Education Leadership at Tsinghua University.

  In 2013, he was hired by Tsinghua University High School (THUHS) and in 2015, he was assigned to Beijing Kaiwen School, which was founded by THUHS, to oversee its establishment and management. In 2017, he was sent to Qinglan Mountain School, also founded by THUHS, to take charge of its establishment and management.

  Joe is a Senior Career Planner and Senior Family Education Advisor with the International Association of Career Advisors (IACA), a registered education consultant in Singapore, a certified Cognia practitioner, and an outstanding teacher at THUHS. He has won several awards, including the First Prize in Basic Education Curriculum Construction in Haidian District, Beijing, the “Most Popular Teacher” title, First Place in the THUHS Young Teacher Basic Skills Competition, and the Special Micro-Video Award in the same competition.
